Nele Vos, M.A.
Strategy and Design

+49 (0) 162 303 3626



+ Initial situation
+ Research
+ Needs and briefing

+ Framework and do-ability
+ Customer journey
+ Content strategy

+ Artwork and visualisation
+ Project partnerships
+ Quality management


UAL | Central Saint Martins
MA Narrative Environments
Master of Arts with distinction
2014 – 2016 | London | UK

ArtEZ | Hoogeschool voor de Kunsten
Bachelor of Graphic Design
2004 – 2008 | Arnhem | NL


BLA Connect: Tender Intelligences | Groups exhibition
Berlin – Los Angeles Connect | Partner city program
Datashop | Artistic perspectives on artificial intelligence
Bendix Building | 07/2022 | Los Angeles | USA
Zentrum für Netzwerkkunst | 08/2023 | Berlin | DE

Designpreis Brandenburg | Nomination
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt! | 06/2019 | Potsdam | DE

Who Are We? – TATE Modern Exchange | Groups exhibition
Citizenshop | 03/2017 | London | UK

Clerkenwell Gallery London | Groups exhibition
Citizenshop | 05/2017 | London | UK

Lethaby Gallery | Groups exhibition
Selected entry | Best final projects from
Central Saint Martins | 10/2016 | London | UK

Central Saint Martins | Groups exhibition
Final year exhibition | 06/2016 | London | UK

Arup Foresight and Innovation | Groups exhibition
The Future of Urban Resilience | 2015 | London | UK

Danish Poster Museum | Selected poster
Education Requires… | 2013 | Aarhus | DK

Festival N.A.T.U.R. | Curation
Art exhibiton | 04/2013 | Bochum | DE

Mutuo Art Centre | Groups exhibition
SHS Publishers | 04/2012 | Barcelona | ES

Showroom Arnhem | Groups exhibition
Proeftuin! | 01/2012 | Arnhem | NL

Imagine 2020 Festival | Participation
The Future of Food | 09/2011 | Rotterdam | NL

Rotterdamse Oogst | Installation
Citysalad Zaait! | 5/2011 | Rotterdam | NL

Kolabo Summer Lab | Groups exhibition
Internet of Things | 07/2010 | Rotterdam | NL

Gallery Between | Groups exhibition
Studio B | 10/2010 | London | UK

Disseny D’HUB Barcelona | Groups exhibition
Visual identity proposal | 11/2008 | Barcelona | ES


Narrative Environments and Experience Design by Tricia Austin,
Project feature in chapter: Dramatic Conflict and Story Dynamics in Critical
Narrative Environments | Routledge Publishers | 07/2020 | London| UK

Design Museum London | Work presentation
Industry Nights, talk on design and storytelling in my practice
 | 02/2019 London | UK

Viewpoint Magazine, On the Move | Project feature
The Citizenshop | 01/2018 | London | UK

Open Democracy | Project release
Unequal Journeys | 11/2017 | London | UK

Central Saint Martins | Final catalogue
Project contribution and design | 2016 | London | UK

AIGA Small Talk | About the Process
Interview VosBrenner | 2014 | Chicago | US

Die Gestalten, Turning Pages | Project contribution
Various projects | 2013 | Berlin | DE

Volume Magazine #31 Guilty Landscapes | Infographic
The Great Plastic Tide | 2013| Amsterdam | NL

Volume Magazine #32 Centers Adrift | Infographic
Search and Supply | 2013| Amsterdam | NL

The New Yorker Magazine | Book review
Don’t: a Guide to Publicity | 2013 | New York City | US

Het Wilde Weten | Book presentation
The Last Supper | 02/2010| Rotterdam| NL

Steetlab Zine Jam | Book presentation
The Last Supper | 03/2010 | Amsterdam| NL

Arnhem Zine Festival | publication
Cannot Connect | 04/2010 | Arnheim | NL

Manystuff About your Process | Project feature
Published by Charlotte Cheetham | 04/2009 | Paris| FR

Graphic Union Press NYC | Publication launch
Nature versus Culture | 03/2009 | New York City | US

Spelling Change | Selected entry
Mother New York | 10/2008 | New York City | US

ArtEZ Final Year Catalogue | Cover image
Nature versus Culture | 06/2008 | Arnhem | NL

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